Welcome to our Lenten Devotional prayer practice. Each day we will be offering a scripture passage and a suggested way to pray with that scripture. We would like to start with some suggestions that might make this experience more helpful and meaningful to you. Please know that these are simply suggestions. Take them or leave them as you feel led. The same is true for the devotions themselves. If you do each one prayerfully and take some time to journal, they will take 10-15 minutes. The amount of time that you spend is not important. What truly matters is that you make a place in your day to be with God. If you find you don’t have enough time to do the whole practice, don’t give up. Just do whatever piece you do have time for.
- Consider making a commitment to this practice. If you wish, prayerfully affirm to yourself and to God that you will do your best to do this practice every day during Lent.
- Set aside a time and place and try your best to do your prayer time at the same time and place each day.
- Place a Bible, candle and a journal nearby. You may use the candle as you like to help create sacred space.
- The scripture passage will be written out, but consider looking it up and reading it from your own Bible.
- Don’t rush through the practice. It’s much better to just do a shorter version with attention and care. Listen for God to speak. Set aside 5 or 10 minutes where you don’t plan or worry.
- Allow yourself to rest in the practice of prayer. Don’t put pressure on yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy this quiet time with God.
- This practice is not about study or learning. It is prayer time. It is designed to help you spend time with the Holy, coming to know and experience God. Expect it to change and deepen your relationship with God.
- Consider jotting down a few notes about your prayer time each day in a journal.
- Most of all, in using this resource, listen to your own heart about what you need and what God is calling you to this Lent. God will guide you there.
Many blessings on your Lenten journey.
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